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July-August 2012/ Corning, NY and St. Thomas, USVI

August 31st, 2012 Posted in 2012

This Summer the family split off in different directions. Shaun finished off backpacking in Europe, while Jay was in Corning, New York doing a summer internship and hanging out on the Finger Lakes with his good friend Miller. We headed to St. Thomas to visit Rajjina’s brothers and their families. Both her brothers are making an effort to make St. Thomas their hideaway from the hustle and bustle of NYC. We spent a great deal of time their paddle boarding, diving, golfing and doing some nice hikes on St. Thomas and St. John’s. It’s a beautiful spot with great weather year round and plenty to keep you occupied.

When we came back from St. Thomas, we celebrated Shaun’s 18th and Grandma’s 85th birthday. She is still keeping mentally sharp and still has a lot to teach the boys. Shaun was getting ready to go to college in Chicago, and his friend Brett and cousin Jeremy visited him for a week as a final celebration prior to heading off to school. This was part of his weeklong 18th birthday celebration. A week later, Grandma had a special dinner at our favorite Thai restaurant with many of her friends (“The Card Party”) in attendance.

Keep in Touch!
The Majumdars

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